Business of IP Asia Forum 2024

Business of IP Asia Forum 2024 was successfully held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 5 to December. HKBU participated with five companies and projects, showcasing our innovative achievements. The representatives of the three innovative projects shared their insights during the Inno Demo sessions, engaging with attendees. The speakers included Dr ZHAO Jun, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology; Representative of Professor CHEUNG Yiu Ming, Chair Professor of the Department of Computer Science; and Professor Janice PAN, Director and Professor of the Academy of Language and Culture.

Features of the showcased projects: 

  •  Advanced Catalytic Technology for Hydrogen Production from Biowaste 
    By Dr ZHAO Jun, Associate Professor, Department of Biology

The innovative catalysis system efficiently converts Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into hydrogen at low temperatures (<200°C) and low pressures (<30 bar). This technology promotes sustainability, reduces landfill waste, and mitigates greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring cost-effectiveness and safety.  

  • Exploring Thermostable Pigment Coatings for Sustainable, Energy-Saving Applications 
    By Dr Ken LEUNG, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

This new ultrasound-assisted nanofiber coating technologies can enhance thermal stability, anti-corrosion, anti-scratch, etc. These technologies serve as a bridge between intermediate materials and final products with enhanced durability. 

  • The Water Misting System for Enhancing Bathing Experience for Wheelchair Users 
    By Ms Anna QIN, Assistant Professor, Academy of Visual Arts

The Automatic Shower System is a portable device specifically designed for individuals with mobility limitations, including wheelchair users. This system features voice activation, height-adjustable misting nozzles, temperature control, Barrier-Free Design, and water-saving design, providing a convenient bathing experience for people with special needs. 

  • Lip-Password-Based Speaker Identity Verification 
    By Prof. CHEUNG Yiu Ming, Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science 
    The lip-password is to embed the password into a person's lip motion, whereby the personal identity is verified by matching both the password information and the underlying behavioral characteristics of lip motion simultaneously. Its wide applied fields include but not limited to: Online Financial Transaction, Smart Door Lock System, Mobile Applications. In particular, it can give a perfect solution of addressing the challenge of identification of identical twins.
  • Precise and Advanced Language Model for Communicative Interpreting Application
    Prof. Janice PAN, Director and Professor, Academy of Language and Culture 

The project offers a translation platform that combines artificial intelligence with human-supervised language services, utilising AI technology while also providing real-time interpretation services.