KT Awards Recipients of Year 2016/17

The Innovationem Award (renamed as HKBU Innovation Award)

Awardee: Prof. BIAN Zhaoxiang

School of Chinese Medicine

“The Chinese Herbal Medicine for Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome”

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Chinese drug was jointly developed by Prof. Bian Zhaoxiang, Associate Vice-President and Associate Director of Institute of Creativity of HKBU, Prof. Joseph Sung, President and Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Prof. Justin Wu, Associate Head of Shaw College of CUHK and their respective research teams that had been successful passing Stage 1 and 2 of the Clinical Stages of Chinese FDA (CFDA).  

Based on the two Universities’ integrative medical research results and the profound knowledge of Chinese medicines, the HKBU-CUHK joint patent is now being licensed to PuraPharm (Nanning) Pharmaceuticals Co. Limited (Purapharm) for the Final Stage CFDA clinical and drug manufacturing. On 10 November 2016, a tri-party cooperation agreement was signed with an aim to develop new drug for treating functional gastrointestinal disorders. “Ren Shu Chang Le Granules” is  the first new Chinese medicine project in Hong Kong with an integrative medical research approach. It is expected that the treatment will be registered as a new drug in Hong Kong and Mainland China and will be launched in the market in four to five years’ time.


The Knowledge Transfer Award  (renamed as HKBU Knowledge Transfer Award)

Awardee: Dr Timothy FUNG Kai-fung & Dr Kelvin LEE

Department of Communication Studies & Department of Interactive Media


"Enhance Youngsters’ Willingness of Family Discussion on Organ Donation by Using Narrative Animation”

This is a public health and public service impact case. Dr. Fung and his team produced an animation which integrates the professional knowledge of medical doctors and organ transplant coordination to transfer to the public the importance of organ donation. The animation also encouraged citizens to tell their families proactively about organ donation. The animation was adopted by the Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau in their “Say yes to organ donation” campaign.

Dr. Fung has published extensively in the area of health communication. A research conducted by him and his team found that it is important to identify the underlying psychosocial factors that influence people’s health behaviour.

Apart from being screened at the kick-off ceremony of the promotional campaign in October 2016 attended by the Secretary for Food and Health of Hong Kong, the animation was displayed on government websites. Besides, the animation was broadcast on the government’s Organ Donation Promotion Vehicle visiting 18 districts across Hong Kong in November 2016.